The​re Should Always Be Cake

Orders may be placed in person (an appointment must be scheduled) or over the phone. Our staff is highly trained to process your order or answer any questions you may have. We can also assist you with design and flavor ideas. The first step is to confirm your event date to ensure availability. Chef Laury is our main cake artist, so our number of cake orders processed weekly is limited. When placing an order, please have an idea of how many servings you would like your cake to be, as well as the style and design you desire. Tell us about your theme, colors, and any specific design ideas you have in mind. We also require your detailed contact information, event information, prefered delivery or pick up time, and a deposit to reserve your date.
We can only accomodate a limited amount of cakes, depending on the degree of difficulty of the orders. Therefor, we recommend clients place their orders as soon as they confirm the date of their event to ensure availability. A deposit will reserve the date, allowing clients to to finalize the details of their cake design at a later date if necessary. Most of our wedding cakes are booked 6 months to a year in advance. We recommend all cake orders be placed at least 2 weeks prior (subject to availability). For short notice orders please call us immediately on the rare chance that we may be available. Our cakes require a minimum of 2 days to be baked off and decorated. Since all of our cakes are unique and customized to our client needs, there are no set prices. Cakes are priced according to several different criteria. Our base prices per serving can give you a general idea of the estimated starting price of your cake. The base price includes the layered cake with filling, fondant icing, and very simple decorations. Other factors that add to the total cost of your cake include cake sculpting, gum paste decorations, detailed piping, hand painting, airbrushing, any other intricate design elements, and delivery. Pricing information will be provided when order is placed and a final design has been agreed upon. All orders must be paid off in full in cash or credit two weeks prior to the event date or order may be cancelled.
Special Events and Wedding Cakes:
$12 to $25/per serving depending on detail work and design.
Novelty Cupcakes:
$88 to $150/per dozen depending on detail work and design. (Cupcake size: Standard)
Novelty Sugar Cookies:
$98 to $158/per dozen depending on detail work and design.
Deposits, Late Fees, and Cancelations:
We require a 25% deposit of the total price of your order to reserve your date. All orders are taken on a first come first serve basis. PAYMENTS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE, NO EXCEPTIONS. Orders must be paid in full 2 weeks before the event date. Customers can pick up orders during regular business hours. If a customer arrives late for pick and it is past our closing time a late pick of fee of $50 will be charged.
Delivery is available CURBSIDE ONLY, exept for unassembled cakes. We prefer delivering cakes that require onsite assembly. Delivery charges are calculated according to total travel distance. Local delivery costs are usually $50-500. There is no limit to the distance we may be willing to deliver, however, our availability does limit whether or not we are able to make certain deliveries. Long distance or out of state deliveries may require special arrangements, so we ask that clients please contact us for detailed information and estimates.
Consultations are scheduled Tue-Fri 12PM-5PM, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, please call to schedule. A non refundable fee of $50 is required for consultations. Our consultation includes up to 6 flavors of our delicious cupcakes for tasting and a choice of coffee, tea, hot coco, or white chocolate mocha.
Custom Orders/Pricing Info